My Favorite Holiday Books
My favorite holiday is Christmas. Not because of the gifts, or getting together with family but rather just the spirit of the holidays....
Theresa Wilson
Nov 4, 20225 min read

Author Interview: A.M. Westerling
Today's post has been a while in the making. If you have read any of my book reviews, you will know this author. A.M. Westerling sent me...
Theresa Wilson
Oct 21, 20226 min read

Tracking My Reading
For as long as I can remember I have been a reader but I never really tracked my reading in any form. Last year I discovered GoodReads...
Theresa Wilson
Sep 9, 20223 min read

10 Books Set in Canada
Today I am sharing 10 different books either set in various parts of Canada or written by Canadian authors. Anne of Green Gables by Lucy...
Theresa Wilson
Jul 15, 20227 min read

His Dark Enchantress: Book Review
Good Morning! I want to start this post off by saying that I was sent this book from Victoria Chatham to give my honest review. Enjoy!...
Theresa Wilson
May 23, 20222 min read

The Importance of Literature & Benefits of Reading
In today's post I will be explaining why literature is so important and some of the benefits of reading. Why is Literature Important?...
Theresa Wilson
May 2, 20224 min read

Gift Ideas for Bibliophiles
In today's post I am going to compile a list of gift ideas for the book lover in your life. I will be marking the ones that are...
Theresa Wilson
Mar 21, 20224 min read

My Favorite Book Right Now
For today's post I really only want to highlight my current favorite book. However I have a really hard time choosing one book. I...
Theresa Wilson
Mar 18, 20222 min read

Book Review: Catherine's Passion
Good Morning! I want to start this post off by saying that I was sent this book from A.M. Westerling to give my honest review. Enjoy!...
Theresa Wilson
Feb 28, 20223 min read

Favorite Books of 2021
Today's post is not going to be a really long one but I wanted to highlight some of my favorite books of 2021. I spent a lot of time...
Theresa Wilson
Feb 11, 20228 min read

Book Review: Evelyn's Beau
Good Morning! I would like to start this post off by saying that I was sent this book by A.M. Westerling to give my honest review. Enjoy!...
Theresa Wilson
Jan 24, 20223 min read

Book Journaling
Book Journaling is something that I started doing last year. I first started using Goodreads but recently I have really wanted to have a...
Theresa Wilson
Jan 14, 20222 min read

Classic of the Month: A Christmas Carol
As you probably recall, I started a new monthly series that will highlight a new "classic" every month. This month's classic is A...
Theresa Wilson
Dec 27, 20217 min read

Winter Reading List
Time for another seasonal reading list. My winter reading list comprises of 8 books, I finished my fall reading list back in October and...
Theresa Wilson
Dec 10, 20211 min read

Classic of the Month: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
As you probably recall, I started a new monthly series that will highlight a new "classic" every month. This month's classic is Alice's...
Theresa Wilson
Nov 29, 20219 min read

Classic of the Month: Dracula
As you probably recall, I started a new monthly series that will highlight a new "classic" every month. This month's classic is Dracula...
Theresa Wilson
Oct 25, 20215 min read

Classic of the Month: The Jungle Book
As you probably recall, I started a new monthly series that will highlight a new "classic" every month. This month's classic is The...
Theresa Wilson
Sep 27, 20217 min read

Fall Reading List
So like I did back in I believe June, I have a TBR list of books that I want to read before the end of November. I will have another list...
Theresa Wilson
Sep 3, 20211 min read

Classic of the Month: Moby Dick
As you probably recall, I started a new monthly series that will highlight a new "classic" every month. This month's classic is Moby Dick...
Theresa Wilson
Aug 30, 202114 min read

Classic of the Month: Emma
As you probably recall, I started a new monthly series that will highlight a new "classic" every month. This month's classic is Emma by...
Theresa Wilson
Jul 26, 20218 min read